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Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-Physical Systems

As computers become ever-faster and communication bandwidth ever-cheaper, computing and communication capabilities will be embedded in all types of objects and structures in the physical environment. Applications with enormous societal impact and economic benefit will be created by harnessing these capabilities in time and across space. Such systems that bridge the cyber-world of computing and communications with the physical world are called cyber-physical systems.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical and engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core. This intimate coupling between the cyber and physical will be manifested from the nano-world to large-scale wide-area systems of systems. And at multiple time-scales.

Cyber-physical systems will transform how we interact with the physical world just like the Internet transformed how we interact with one another.

관련 학회
2010년 제1회 시작

카이스트 강의 관련 문서 있음

시물레이텨? 뭐임이거?

참고해서 봐야할 논문들

Lee_CyberPhysical_design challenges

Mobile Actuator and sensor network for cps

Cyber-Physical Systems: A New Frontier

Design of Complex Cyber Physical Systems-Lui Sha

Cyber-Physical Security for Wireless Sensor Networks


Cyber-Physical Systems - Are Computing Foundations Adequate?

위의 파일들은 google에서 pdf 파일을 검사하면 볼 수 있다.

아 발로 만든 ppt 부끄럽지만 필요하신분들은 참고 하세요 ^^*